Journals 1-10


Hey haha so I believe there is about 35 journals missing but ill try to do as many as I can. I  didn't know what journals were about till now it can be what I want to talk about or there is one give to me. I have a lot of catching up for English. Not be able to go to school and having to do everything online is very overwhelming. I feel like I am not learning. I feel like I am teaching myself. Also in my mind I have a timer that knows there is a time where everything should be turned in. Over all online school is not fun.


I saw an Instagram post that said "Would you like you if you meet you" I think that is a good  question. I think I'll like to meet me when I'm in a great place. what I mean by being a great pace is I want to see myself truly happy enjoy life I do enjoy life now but ill like to see how much I can get done. If I meet me right now I think that I would spend hours talking talking and understand myself. I'll like to see future me as well so I know what I'm doing, how I been, what I been up to, even know where I am living.


I saw a tik tok post that said "what would you tell your 8 year old self, right now ?" if I had a day with 8 year old me the first thing I would say is that we are both loved. I would also say to have some self love before loving anyone else it is one of the most important things. I would tell 8 year old me it ok to have bad days life is a roller coaster. I would make the most out of the day and end it with a hug.

4. I think that there is such think as a bad words. Also by the way you use it and say it. Words can hurt  people. I think we should be careful on the way we use our words . May be not everyone think that some words are bad because its used so often or its become part of  their vocabulary but one take offense to it.


I think we depend on notification because we see what we are missing or what we have to be going. I have not put on any notifications or reminders on I write on my school planner. Write works best for me because then I will start use my phone and not get any work done every time I am done with any work i cross it of the planner.


One of the most an important person I have is my mom. I believe that us her family is the most important thing to her. Why I think that is because my siblings and I are important to her is because she want the best for us she works so we have a roof over our heads, to buy food so we can eat, and buy us any thing we might need. She also care about our dad she cooks for us and makes him his lunch for work. Over all I think family is more important to her.


I think that people will say same thing about me and my life when am gone. Something they will say is that I was kind, nice ,crazy, outgoing but a shy person, and be will to do anything (I asked them because I wasn't sure). About my life they would say I don't open up to new people unless I feel like I can trust them, I like make friends, crazy, and my moods change really fast.


The other day I was hearing some type of audio called "what is Love " by the red pill, Alan Watts. it was made me think when they said "it crazy falling... we don't say rise into love"(0:35) why do we say falling and not rising. is it because we know one day we will fall out of love or one of us is going to run out of love. It does sound weird saying I am rising in love may be because we don't say it like that or we are not used to hear that.


I was on tik tok the other day and I see its one of the top social media to hate and bully people. Sometime other people ask instead of bully way don't they help or point out what is wrong. Even adult be bully kids under age. Why is that people like to hate and bully so much. People make fun on  the way you look dress or on what you believe in but once they make fun of them they don't see to like it.


I am not sure how I am doing on the journals but I hope they are fine. I think that some journals can be better. Over all I think that I am do a good job on catching up I know there is more to be done.


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