

If the person I dislike and I wake up with the same body I believe it would be a really rough morning for both of us. Know that it would be a rough morning because we must share a body and have to be with each other was the least that we had planed and expected. Knowing we are going to have to get along for our own good because we are share a body. Must talk to each other when we need something. I know that as soon as the day is over, and we no longer share the same body we would not talk to each again and stay away from each other.


If I can choose a person to spend one day with it would be Zendaya or David Dobrik. Why I would like to spend a day with Zendaya is because she is one of my favorite actresses and I look up to her. Also, she seems like a very kind person and be great to hang out with. I would also like to hang out with David Dobrik because he a really funny and an outgoing person. He seems like a person you would have so much fun with. Him and his friends are really funny so there might be no doubt it would be a great day.


If I can chose any teacher to work with it would be between Mr.Udlock and Ms.Owens. I would like to work with them because during the time I was in their class I enjoyed be there. They are both every kind and lovely. Work with either one of them I think I would learn a lot and have a great time and enjoy what I would be doing.


If I can interview anyone in the world, I would choose David Dobrik. Why I would like interview him is because I would like to know how he got where he was at and if he enjoys being where is at now. Some think I would ask him are “would you change anything from what you are doing or do something differently?” “How does it feel like work with your friends every day?” “Did you ever think you were going to get where you are now?” “Why is that you like give back?” “is there anything you would like to say to viewer?”. I think that David Dobrik is someone a lot of people enjoy watch and would like to ask him certain things.


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