This course has really been different from all the other course. For one we do not use canvas we use blogs which I had never used. The blog took me a while to figure out and get used to it. Find out where all things are at was challenge. Also, everything is due on the computer we can not turn in things by paper. Class has been different as well as having to adapt to thing as they change every minute or last minute. Having to mange time has really been a big thing this year have to have time to do work for other classes make sure everything is done and turn in on time. Overall, this year this course has really been different from all the others.


One thing I find meaningful is you take you time to help us and make sure we understand what is going on. I believe that was great help from you. As well you ask and talk about other stuff going around the word, make sure we are caught up and try to help us out on stuff outside of school. Also, you are understanding, asking about our day can be a big cause to change our mood to better.


I am not that proud of the work I been doing because I have not done as much as I should. I have been really sleeping on it and not post on the blog as much as I should be doing. One thing I am going to start doing is mange my time right and try to do all my work for all the classes. One thing that I as proud of is learn how to use the blog and post on it. I am proud to learn how to do blogs way I can post all my work.


One thing I would have done differently would be to mange my time from the start. I would believe that if I had my time mange, I would have done much more then what I have done this course. I would also change my mindset think that I would have time the next day was a big mistake. To finish over work made it worse because then I would get more work from other classes and I would forget get about the smaller work I had. I would also try to turn in the work a soon as I finished it because I wouldn’t turn it if I finished it I would I just forget to post it, or I would end up lose all my work and then end up having nothing to post.


During this course I did learn few somethings. Even though I would get distracted a lot. I think that the space area in the beginning was hard to work at.  Something I learned this course is word and their meaning which is great because I can expand my vocabulary with new words. I also learned to not leave thing for last minute because things do get caught up really fast.


Theme was one thing that is always brought u in an English class. Theme is also been told if different words but always has the same meaning even thought it has been described in different words. One word that I learn was diction. Diction is the words the author has chosen. This will help when read a book or a small story to keep in mind why did the author has chosen those certain word to tell his story.


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